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Friday, September 24, 2010

信心之旅之寻找Visit Company

This semester is my final semester, with busying finding my internship company for my semester 8. Luckily thanks God, I am finally find the intern company before I am back to UUM, because while I am back to UUM will be faced some assignment problem that is Visit Company for my robotic automation paper and project paper. For project paper, thanks god too… my friend will fetch me go it. Because he also doing the same company with me so god have prepare an angel to me and let me save the cost and time. At here, I am more focus on finding the company for Paper of Robotic and Automation.
Paper of Robotic and Automation is one of my major paper and this paper, the candidate should go to visited an industrial and do a report. At 29.9.2010, I am quite happy because God has opened a way to Me; He let my non Christian friend get the company for visited. But unforcunery I received a sms to tell me, the company rejected us our reply and we need to find other company in short of time. At that time, I am really learned how to thanks God, I am without any complain to GOD WHY… I believe god have his plan some more I am think god want me go more nearest don’t go Kuilim. So I found the company around Penang area, I am get a lot information because of when I found already over office hours, so I should be call it tomorrow morning or noon. I am plan, o no... Tomorrow morning I need to go church and afternoon got philosophy class, when I m need to call it to ask. I am plan call it when finish worship. So I am not bother it so much just focus on worshiped God. When the talk is start a while, I received a called from my group members, she going to told me, we get another company already but need to go at 1st October 2010. Really thanks God, because 28.9.2010 got some training, I am not sure whether I am join it or not, but I will consider it. Some more 29.9.2010 got class, and if I am go out the whole day sure will be much tried and it need to take a lot of time to recover back my energy.
For here I want go to mention sometime when we faced some problem please Don’t Complain… coz anything happen have HIS special Planning, so what we can do it just believe it. He will prepare the best one to you. So here I can determine when you not complain you get much than you complain… …
Leon 25th Sept 2010 1:37am

Saturday, September 18, 2010



15 .9。2010, 我永远都会记得 这个日子,今天我抱着蛮有期望的去拨电话到几间公司,询问有关我的实习申请。之前有一间,打来说要请我但当我打回去问时他有点不是很开心,带着有点拒绝的口气。过后我就与一间公司申请要面试,面试的时间编排已经做好,就出去复印一些重要的文件,买车票,看下戏,就休息一下。在梦里我梦见我去面试。面试后他给我一张很像支票的礼卷。我想我还是想太多。就去检查我的电邮。谁懂,SONY打来问我要不要。只是短短的几句,也没告诉我要面试。我想上帝他为我开了一条道路。其实我很羡慕那些已经的到实习公司的人,但我觉得我可以高傲的是上帝,他让学会更多的功课,在信心上,应变能力等等上帝他为我,定造一个来磨练我的功课。我用了大约有半年的时间来申请。从家乡到KL,从KL到Penang. 有时好像很有

其实我真的很羡慕朋友一早就得到了时,上帝他总没有让我失望下去.他会让我感觉还有一线亮光。每次当我感觉失望时都会有公司通知我,可能要录取我。但是往往都是石沉大海,一去不回头。有时公司打来问东西的,不来不来,一来就一起来其实真的有点蛮搞笑的。 但是还是要感谢上帝的带领。

其实这次的信心之旅让学会了很多的功课。上帝还是会赐福于他的子民。他让学会我不应去埋怨。我最记得的是有一间e-commerce 公司他reject 我的申请,其实我真的有点不爽。但是神他让我看见不埋怨,因为他间公司的老板既然Transfer我去其他公司。可惜的是上帝为我拣选了另一间更好的公司。我相信一切都有他的旨意。在这功课上,上帝他让我学会忍耐,等候耶和华的人必为有福。真的很感恩!!
同时在这条路上上帝他派了很多的天使为我开路,特别是一斑为我祷告的弟兄姐妹。谢谢你们-Lizz, 伟伦,晓慧,玉英,才杰,晓恬等等(没有被提名的不要生气哦)哈哈哈。同时在这条路上被上帝使用来磨练我的人。感谢上帝的磨练让我有人生的另一见证。其实,有你们的支持才让我有能力走下去。


伍伟伦,也要谢谢你的鼓励及及时的安慰。有时你的即时sms的给我带来安慰。虽然只是一个蛮冷的笑话的对我低潮心情时带来了即时的阳光。我最记得the best gift is on the way to come.. .. trust on god.. and etc.. Thanks you… …

Leh Jing Woa Ping.. thanks you.. thanks your encourage, and your wish.. even Jesus Love You..

For those who are not be thanks.. Here fully to Said Thanks to u.. Jesus Love you… … UUMCFCD de members, Church mate, Course mate. Etc.. Thanks you all…. All the best o..
